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Wemberly Worried but a New Friend Made School Less Scary

Wemberly Worried but a New Friend Made School Less Scary

We all worry sometimes, but most of the things we worry about will never happen. Wemberly Worried can help ease beginning of the year worries about the unknown by laughing together over some of the silly things Wemberly worries about and talking about those things that may be common worries among class members.

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How Behavior Calendars Can Help You Establish Effective and Efficient Communication

How Behavior Calendars Can Help You Establish Effective and Efficient Communication

I’m not here to convince you one method is better than another. I’m here to talk to you about the importance of communicating behaviors in the classroom to parents. I’ve found the easiest way to communicate daily with your parents about classroom behavior is to send home behavior calendars. I know, I know… this is nothing new. But have you ever considered what your behavior calendars can do for you?

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A Crayon Storage Solution to Make Your Life Easier

A Crayon Storage Solution to Make Your Life Easier

Do you have a crayon storage system in your classroom? I don’t know about your classroom, but I’ve always found crayons cause a lot of trouble! Someone broke their blue crayon, someone lost their red, all the yellows disappeared from table one, etc. Then magically at the end of the day, all those crayons end up on the floor!

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