
Explore the postcards below, each featuring an awesome free resource.


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creation castle framed postcard
Creation Castle PC back revised
resource ranch framed postcard
Resource Ranch PC back
blue jeans framed postcard
Amy Hughes PC back
carol polston framed postcard
The Chocolate Teacher PC back
viral teacher framed postcard
The Viral Teacher PC back
fun factory framed postcard
The Fun Factory PC back
angie framed postcard
Autism Journey PC back 2
phonics to fluency framed postcard
Phonics to Fluency PC back 2
julie framed postcard
Big Ideas for Little Hands PC back
shelby framed postcard
Lavender Learning PC back
mrs wyatt framed postcard
Wyatt PC back
dynamic learning framed postcard
Dynamic Learning PC back
preschool community framed postcard
Preschool Community PC back
my happy place framed postcard
My Happy Place PC back
primary style framed postcard
Katie Ring PC back
penley framed postcard
Penleys Pointe PC back
brenda framed postcard
Brenda PC back
beach framed postcard
PC back SSS


How You Can Actually Use Resources You Own to Create Seesaw Activities

How You Can Actually Use Resources You Own to Create Seesaw Activities

Chances are you have used technology with your students in your classroom, but you may not have relied heavily on it. In today’s classroom with virtual learning, distance learning, and hybrid models, that likely isn’t the case anymore. A popular platform with many lower elementary classrooms is Seesaw. The great news is you can digitize many of your existing resources to be used directly as Seesaw activities!

5 Quick Tips for Setting Up Your Math Block

5 Quick Tips for Setting Up Your Math Block

Math can be a challenging subject for many students, and as a teacher, it can be challenging to plan and implement a successful math block. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can create a positive and productive math block that engages your students and helps them learn.