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How You Can Actually Use Resources You Own to Create Seesaw Activities
Chances are you have used technology with your students in your classroom, but you may not have relied heavily on it. In today’s classroom with virtual learning, distance learning, and hybrid models, that likely isn’t the case anymore. A popular platform with many lower elementary classrooms is Seesaw. The great news is you can digitize many of your existing resources to be used directly as Seesaw activities!
Power Up Your Classroom Transitions Now: 3 Compelling Reasons to Use Math Journals
Do you know how much instruction time you lose during the day? Do you know where that time is being eaten up? Likely you are losing about five minutes every time you transition – unless you are using that time wisely. When I noticed this problem in my classroom, I quickly pivoted and found ways to make my classroom transitions more efficient.
5 Quick Tips for Setting Up Your Math Block
Math can be a challenging subject for many students, and as a teacher, it can be challenging to plan and implement a successful math block. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can create a positive and productive math block that engages your students and helps them learn.