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This Awesome Extension Lets You Use Google Slides with Movable Pieces in Present Mode
If you spent any time working in Google Slides this past year, you may have noticed that in order to utilize Google Slides with movable pieces, you...
Why You’ve Been Using Clip Cards Wrong and How to Fix It
I’m not sure how long clip cards have been around, but I would imagine they have been here a while. And I don’t think they are going anywhere. They can be versatile and academic, but did you also know they can easily be self-checking? We’ll get to that in a minute though. First, let’s talk about why you should be using clip cards in the first place.
3 Digital Phonics Activities Your Kindergartners Will Be Excited About
Since phonics focuses on foundational skills, chances are your students will be spending a lot of time practicing or reviewing phonics skills. So that means you need a lot of phonics activities! This can be done in a variety of ways whether they are working with the whole class, in a small group, or even independently.