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3 Steps to Getting Started with Elf on the Shelf in Your Classroom
Elf on the Shelf has been a well-known tradition since 2005. But have you ever considered adapting it for your classroom? We all know that as winter break approaches things can get a little crazy in the classroom. I found using an elf helped our class stay positive and on track through December.
9 Children’s Books to Read This Year When Celebrating Veterans Day
Veterans Day is on November 11th every year, regardless of which day of the week it falls on. This holiday is a great opportunity to discuss all the branches of the military with your students, as well as the duties and sacrifices of our veterans.
Easily Run a Mock Election for a Class Mascot This Year
A simple way for students to understand the voting process is to essentially run a class vote. However, just voting for something is not enough. That really isn’t different from some of the class graphs you have made. Students need to be involved in the process of choosing a candidate and supporting their choice.