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Show and Tell Lets Students Share What They Are Excited About
Show and tell is more than a fun activity for students. It provides an opportunity for the sharer to develop oral language skills and become comfortable speaking to a group which will help prepare them for presentations in the future.
11 Ways to Build a Classroom Library on a Budget
If you’re working on building up your classroom library, here are some tips to stretch your budget and fill your bookcases!
Preparing Your Substitute Teacher for a Successful Day
Imagine you are a substitute teacher. Scary, I know. There are two classroom doors in front of you. To the left is a clean, organized classroom. There is a single stack of papers on the table. Detailed lesson plans are followed by clearly marked activities for the day. To the right is a slightly disheveled classroom (that’s okay… it happens to the best of us). There are piles of paper everywhere – none clearly marked. Buried somewhere on the desk there is a single sheet of paper with the daily schedule and a few notes jotted down in the margins.