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4 Safe Search Engines for Elementary Students
While having so much knowledge at our fingertips can be a great asset, it can also be a very unsafe place for our students. Luckily there are a few search engines that make searching the internet much safer for students.
12 Books to Use in Your Elementary Classroom to Discuss September 11th
Many early elementary teachers question what is appropriate to share with their students about September 11th. Here are some things to think about when preparing for talking with your students.
How Behavior Calendars Can Help You Establish Effective and Efficient Communication
I’m not here to convince you one method is better than another. I’m here to talk to you about the importance of communicating behaviors in the classroom to parents. I’ve found the easiest way to communicate daily with your parents about classroom behavior is to send home behavior calendars. I know, I know… this is nothing new. But have you ever considered what your behavior calendars can do for you?