Veterans Day is on November 11th every year, regardless of which day of the week it falls on. This holiday is a great opportunity to discuss all the branches of the military with your students, as well as the duties and sacrifices of our veterans.
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Veterans Day History
This holiday was originally known as Armistice Day to signify the first anniversary of the end of World War I. It wasn’t until 1926 that we began observing the holiday annually, but even then, it was not considered a national holiday.
In 1938, President Eisenhower issued the first “Veterans Day Proclamation”. Finally, in 1954, the name of the holiday was officially changed to Veterans Day.
These books are great for talking to students about the meaning of the holiday.
Veterans Day vs. Memorial Day
Veterans Day honors all veterans – living or dead – who have served our country during war or peacetime. Many people confuse this holiday with Memorial Day. The major difference is that Memorial Day specifically honors men and women who have died in service to our country.
If you want to go more in-depth about these differences with your students, these books focus more on the sacrifices men and women have made for our country.
Veterans Students Can Relate To
With around 19 million veterans, it is likely that your students either have a family member or know someone that is a veteran. This provides a great opportunity for students to make self-to-text connections and share their experiences.
There are many books on this topic, but here are just a few.
If you don’t have time to order any of the books on this list, pick up my printable book!
Thankful for Veterans Free Download
If you’re looking for something simple that your students can complete on the day, download this free printable where students write a reason they are thankful for veterans.

Creation Castle
Heather is the author of Creation Castle. She has experience with general education, special education, and ESL students in kindergarten through fifth grade. She specializes in early elementary math and literacy, as well as organization.