Sometimes students are apprehensive about coming to school because the school rules are different from those at home. They may believe that rules will make school a boring place to be. Click, Clack, Quack to School has a fun twist at the end, and it leads nicely into talking about behavior expectations and how they are different depending on the school activity.

Click, Clack, Quack to School Summary

Farmer Brown gets invited to the school, and all the animals are excited. Then he tells them that a school is a serious place where you have to be calm and quiet, and there is no stomping or clomping; though they are no longer excited, they read all the rules and get ready to go to school. When they arrive, the children come out for recess, and the animals are happy to join in the wiggling and giggling.

Read Aloud Questions

Before Reading

  • What kind of animals are the characters in this story?
  • Who do they think the main character will be and why?
  • What do you think will happen when the animals get to school?

During Reading

  • Why did the animals change their minds about being excited to go to school?
  • Do you know what meditation is?
  • Where is Duck at the end of the story?

After Reading

  • Why do you think the Duck has an orange crayon in his hand at the end? 
  • Did the animals have fun at school? Why?
  • How do you know when to be quiet and calm at school?

Connecting Standards to Click, Clack, Quack to School


Have students sequence the events that happened and retell the story to a classmate.

Inflectional Endings

There are several -ed and -ing words to describe the actions of the animals. Use this opportunity to give a mini-lesson on inflectional endings and have students practice identifying inflectional ending words in the story.


Point out the orange crayon throughout the story. Help students determine the inferences that can be made from the illustrations.

Click Clack Quack to School sequencing
Click Clack Quack to School
Click Clack Quack to School rhyming

More Fun Things to Do with the Click Clack Animals

Doreen Cronin has a blog where you can learn more about the Click Clack series. If you would like to meet the author via Skype, you can get more details about scheduling and cost by filling out this form

If you’re looking for more activities for this book, check out the Learning Through Literature book companion at Resource Ranch.

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Resource Ranch

Rhonda is the author of Resource Ranch. Most of her classroom experience has been in early elementary. She has also taught Title I Reading, ESL, and gifted students. She is certified as a Texas teacher in grades 1-8 and as a K-12 librarian.