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5 Reasons to Choose Digital Graphing
Graphing is an important tool to help students understand information. Creating graphs gives students an opportunity to practice counting, sorting, and organizing to compare and analyze data. Graphs also help students learn how to use the information to answer questions and solve problems. Digital graphing offers an interactive alternative to traditional class charts or graphing worksheets.
A More Helpful Way To Practice Phonics with Word Building
How often are you giving your students the chance to review and practice phonics skills to truly master them? If you are a kindergarten or first-grade teacher, chances are probably not enough. Are your students regularly completing word building activities? Do you play phonics games with your students? Do you recite songs to practice phonics skills?
How Are File Folder Games Different Than Your Regular Centers?
File folder games have been around forever. Or at least it seems that way! They certainly have been in classrooms for decades and I don’t see them leaving anytime soon. If you’ve never heard of file folder games, the name is fairly self-explanatory. They are a game that is played inside a file folder.