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10 More Math Concepts You Can Teach with Pattern Blocks

Pattern blocks can be found in most elementary classrooms today, but they have been around for a long time. They were developed by Edward Prenowitz, in 1963, at the Education Development Center. The set of six colored geometric shapes were designed as a fun learning through play way to help students make sense of math using manipulatives.

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Read our latest content on exploring technology and science topics with your students!

5 Reasons to Choose Digital Graphing

5 Reasons to Choose Digital Graphing

Graphing is an important tool to help students understand information. Creating graphs gives students an opportunity to practice counting, sorting, and organizing to compare and analyze data. Graphs also help students learn how to use the information to answer questions and solve problems. Digital graphing offers an interactive alternative to traditional class charts or graphing worksheets.

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Read our latest content on exploring the community, holidays, and more!

Thanksgiving Activities and Resources We Think Your Students Will Love

Thanksgiving Activities and Resources We Think Your Students Will Love

Teaching about holidays can be fun, but they are also required. At least they are in Texas. In early elementary, we talk about the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations celebrated in the community, state, and nation. Among those holidays is Thanksgiving. Today I’m sharing some Thanksgiving activities and resources you might want to add to your lesson plans.

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Read our latest content to help you get through your first few years of teaching!

Phonics vs Phonemic Awareness and Why Both Are Important

Phonics vs Phonemic Awareness and Why Both Are Important

If you went to college to become an elementary school teacher, you undoubtedly took a course or seven on reading instruction to learn about things like the alphabetic principle, phonics vs phonemic awareness, and more. Literacy Foundations, Phonological and Orthographic Principles in Reading, Literacy Assessment and Instruction, and Reading and Language Arts across the Curriculum are just a few of the required classes at my alma mater today.

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