Read and Learn
Read our latest content on all things reading, writing, and language arts!
The Scarecrow’s Hat: A Circular Story of Clever Problem Solving and Grateful Friends
In the story The Scarecrow’s Hat, when Chicken meets Scarecrow and he says he would swap his hat for a walking stick she quickly sees a great opportunity. But solving Scarecrow’s problem takes solving the problems of several friends in the barnyard along the way. After many trades, all the characters end up with just what they wanted thanks to clever Chicken.
Too Many Pumpkins Became the Perfect Number of Jack-o-Lanterns
Too Many Pumpkins is one of my favorite fall books to share in the classroom. I love how this story starts with too many pumpkins but ends with just enough seeds. It is a great lesson in problem solving.
Pumpkin Soup a Fabulous Fall Tale of Friendship and Learning to Cooperate
Pumpkin Soup is a fall favorite for the story and illustrations. It also leads well to talking about friendship and working together when not everyone agrees.
Read our latest content on numbers, operations, graphing, and more!
5 Reasons to Choose Digital Graphing
Graphing is an important tool to help students understand information. Creating graphs gives students an opportunity to practice counting, sorting, and organizing to compare and analyze data. Graphs also help students learn how to use the information to answer questions and solve problems. Digital graphing offers an interactive alternative to traditional class charts or graphing worksheets.
Read our latest content on exploring technology and science topics with your students!
How to Use Google Earth to Travel the World this Christmas
Are you looking to add a little more technology to your lessons on Winter Holidays Around the World? Google Earth is the perfect tool to use when “traveling” around the world!
Easily Run a Mock Election for a Class Mascot This Year
A simple way for students to understand the voting process is to essentially run a class vote. However, just voting for something is not enough. That really isn’t different from some of the class graphs you have made. Students need to be involved in the process of choosing a candidate and supporting their choice.
4 Safe Search Engines for Elementary Students
While having so much knowledge at our fingertips can be a great asset, it can also be a very unsafe place for our students. Luckily there are a few search engines that make searching the internet much safer for students.
Read our latest content on exploring the community, holidays, and more!
9 Children’s Books to Read This Year When Celebrating Veterans Day
Veterans Day is on November 11th every year, regardless of which day of the week it falls on. This holiday is a great opportunity to discuss all the branches of the military with your students, as well as the duties and sacrifices of our veterans.
Easily Run a Mock Election for a Class Mascot This Year
A simple way for students to understand the voting process is to essentially run a class vote. However, just voting for something is not enough. That really isn’t different from some of the class graphs you have made. Students need to be involved in the process of choosing a candidate and supporting their choice.
12 Books to Use in Your Elementary Classroom to Discuss September 11th
Many early elementary teachers question what is appropriate to share with their students about September 11th. Here are some things to think about when preparing for talking with your students.
Read our latest content to help you get through your first few years of teaching!
5 Quick Tips for Setting Up Your Math Block
Math can be a challenging subject for many students, and as a teacher, it can be challenging to plan and implement a successful math block. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can create a positive and productive math block that engages your students and helps them learn.
Easily Increase Student Confidence with Daily Spiral Review
Daily spiral review is a highly effective method of reinforcing previously learned skills in students. When students practice skills repeatedly, they build automaticity and confidence in their abilities. Spiral review can be implemented in many ways, but one of the most popular approaches is through math journals.
Why You’ve Been Using Clip Cards Wrong and How to Fix It
I’m not sure how long clip cards have been around, but I would imagine they have been here a while. And I don’t think they are going anywhere. They can be versatile and academic, but did you also know they can easily be self-checking? We’ll get to that in a minute though. First, let’s talk about why you should be using clip cards in the first place.